Thursday, June 16, 2011


News papers and TV Channels are thronged with the news of suicides due to broken heart every day.

Does really love ends when you have a breakup?

Does really life ends when your long time love leaves you?

                           Debojyoti Sen, an IT professional had a breakup and vows never to love again. Her long time love, Priyanka leaves him for a better and secured future, coupled with her professional growth.

Enters Ayantika Dutta, a middle class Bengali girl struggling and juggling between the huge pressure of marriage and her Bank P.O. aspirations.

Vinod, Deb’s Project Manager is confused with his orientation. A rainy night encounter with his Ashwini Uncle leaves his questioning his identity and sexual orientation.

Deb meets Ayantika @ orkut. He maintains an extremely carefree lifestyle flirting with girls all along his way.

Ayantika’s parents have already fixed the perfect guy for her.

Will their love succeed? Will Vinod find the answer to his lingering confusion?

                                The story has an underlying message to the teenagers and youth    -    Not to fall but to rise in love. Don’t die, live in love.