Friday, May 1, 2020

Virus,Lies and a Genomic Bomb - Truth or Fiction You Decide- Series 9

#remdesevir which is MANUFACTURED by #GILEAD now becoming a global sensation to fight #COVID19 .
The important question is to ask #WHO are the main investors in #Gilead ?

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In 2011, Gilead was the first innovator pharmaceutical company to join the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) to expand access to its medicines through the sharing of drug patents. 

The MPP was established by UNITAID, a Geneva-based global health organization that works to make high-quality, life-saving treatments and diagnostics more affordable in low-income countries.
Unitaid’s main donors are France, the United Kingdom, Norway, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Brazil, Spain, the Republic of Korea, and Chile.

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Dr. Anthony Fauci says remdesivir coronavirus trial results show that the mortality rate trended "towards being better" with patients who took the drug, though the WHO says it's too early to comment .

Now , there was an investment of close to $ 3.7 Million of US Tax payer's money in the WUHAN LAB.

Was it Dr.Fauci ?

Now Comprehend -

Best first read the rest of the series 1st -


These are very tough times.

The COVID19 Pandemic has created lot of economical hazards all over the world.

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