Friday, August 14, 2020

Black Magic on Sushant

 #SushantDeathMystery #SushantSinghRajpoot #blackmagic  #RheaChakraborthy #Blackmagictruth

#JusticeforSSR #JusticeforSushantSingRajput #JusticeForSushant #SSRDidntCommitSuicide #SSRcase

This is a series and serious one - I know the whole country laughs on BLACK MAGIC , but my dear Indians there are lot more in this world and Universe that you can see in your eye.

Truth story 1 - year 2015 - I had went to meet a very renowned Doctor to raise fund for my startup . A bigshot aged doctor , I with my startup partner went to his house . Though at the end of the day he didn't put money in my startup but I learned very important things.

We talked about AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) and then discussion took different couse from went into cosmos and Universe and soul.

Then he told that FBI and even CBI has started taking paranomial help to solve case .He stated a real case wherein a son was dead by an accident which later turned out to be a murder . It was the neighbour who had killed the son through accident and it was solved.

Only by talking to the soul of the dead person . YES !  I know some who might be reading will think this absurd or a made-up story but truth is stranger than fiction.

Truth story 2 - year 2002 - I was in my Engg Days . A close friend had a breakup . The only unnatural thing to this very natural conclusion was when my friend told that this was done through black magic. I , as most of you , didn't believed until my friend told everything.

Truth story 2 - year 2002 - I was in my Engg Days . A close friend had a breakup . The only unnatural thing to this very natural conclusion was when my friend told that this was done through black magic. I , as most of you , didn't believed until my friend told everything.

His father has a family Tantrik consulting her for last 18 years or more . A lot of my friend's father's decision was solely what the lady Tantrik had told . I learned from my friend that to do black magic on a person you need his or her body stuff like hair or nails.

So a more common stuff is hair . Let me tell you that I had met my friend's GF quite many times and after their breakup when I tried to sort out , it seemed I am talking to a totally different person , a person whom I have never ever talked or met.

So there are many things in this whole world which might not be pure mathematical equation.

Monday, July 13, 2020

The Loong wait has ended ! Rudra Trilogy now in Hard Copy

#Paperback #Amazon #Mythology #books #writer #RudraTrilogy
 #PrimeReading #authorcopy #emotion

At last ! Got the paperback ( hard copy )  of The Rudra Trilogy ...though my novel was long in print but e-print.
      ( 1st published in 2014 as e-book , it has sold over 70K Copies all over the world and also been selected in Amazon Prime Reading which is the reading version of Amazon Prime videos )

    And holding your author copy is emotional , kind of holding your child 😊

Fantastic fine quality printing done by Amazon , highly satisfying ! Sheer happiness !

       Yes, technology has enhanced our lives but the smell of paperback will always remain close to my heart.

     I still remember while I was in school , the first thing I use to do after my parents had brought home the new school books was to smell them...
       Yes , smell !
           The smell of a fresh new book , filling your heart with it .

Will look foward to entertain my readers , entertain and enrich with our mythology.

to buy the paperback , please click on the below links :

Europe -

Japan -

Now the paperback is available for purchase in India also , but priced quite high.

Link :

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Paatal Lok


Pataal Lok -

After reading,writing and researching mythology over many years , 

Monday, June 15, 2020

RIP Artist , RIP Sushant

#SushantSinghRajput #depression #artist #artistlife

Disclaimer - 

আমি কোনো  মনোবৈজ্ঞানিক, Psychologist ,  বা  social media homicide detective নই।
     আমি একজন লেখক , একজন artist এবং এই লেখা টা সেই ভিত্তিতেই ।


একটু খুলে বলি । একটা ছোট্ট ঘটনা দিয়ে শুরু করছি , সত্যি ঘটনা , কাল্পনিক নয় ।
     বেশিদিন আগের কোথায় নয় , just few months before ।
   31st December , 2019 
       আমি আমার favourite bar Opium e বসে ।
  একা ।
    আস্তে আস্তে চুক চুক করে আর চারিপাশের লোকজন দেখছি আর খাচ্ছি । 
       অনেকদিনের যাতায়াত তাই বারের সব্বাই waiter Manager খুব ভালো করে চেনে , ভালোবাসে ।
    একটা অত্ত্বিয়তা বলতে পারেন ।
        হটাৎ , পাশের table থেকে একটা গলা ভেসে এলো  " why are you so lonely ? "

Add caption

Artists are always lonely .

   ঘুরে দেখলাম 3টে অল্প বয়স্ক ছেলে , বুজতে দেরি হলো না যে sec 5  এর কোন IT কোম্পানির employee ।
     প্রশ্ন টা অবশ্য একজন করেছে , একটা জিজ্ঞাসাবধক মুখ করে ।
     একটু অস্সস্থি হলো , kind of an uneasyness.
      আস্তে গলাটা একটু গম্ভীর করে বললাম " I am waiting for someone ".
     তারপর আবার আমার গ্লাসটা হাথে তুলে নিলাম ।
    " But it doesn't seems so , you are sitting here for last 3 hours "
     ছেলেটার প্রশ্ন শেষ হয়নি বুজলাম । ঘড়ির দিকে তাকালাম , 4টের সময় ঢুকেছিলাম এখন 7 টা বাজে ।
     এতক্ষন ঘড়ি দেখার ইচ্ছে বা প্রয়োজন কোনোটাই পড়েনি ।
    এবার irritated হলাম ।
      ছেলে টার চোখে চোখ রেখে বললাম " why don't you mind your own business "
    Immediately মুখের expression টা বদলে গেল, ঘুরে গেল নিজের টেবিলে ।
     সঙ্গে যে ছেলে দুটো ছিল জিগ্যেস করলো যে আমি কি উত্তর দিলাম ।
    যাইহোক , বেরিয়ে যাওয়ার আগে ওই ছেলে টা আবার কথা বললো , তখন 8:30 pm বাজে ।
    " কেউ তো এখনো এলো না " হেসেই বললো ।
   সঙ্গে " Happy New Year,  you shouldn't be alone in this day atleast " ও বললো ।
       আমিও হেসে " same to you " বললাম ।
          এই ঘটনা টা দিয়ে শুরু করার উদেশ্য একটাই , যে মানুষের common perception about artists are somewhat different than artist's behaviour .
      কালকে সারাটা দিন শুধু লোকজন social media aay depression , একাকীত্ব এইসব দিয়ে শুরু করেছে আর শেষ করেছে " আমি পাশে আছি , আমাকে ph করতে পারো একা feel করলে , just pickup your phone and call " এই দিয়ে ।
 But an artist is always lonely , he or she wants to be .
Any form of art , সেটা বই বা কবিতা লেখা হোক , বা acting hok , movie direction , any form of art .

সেটা Rabindranath বা Albert Camus বা Writhik Ghatak বা Sushant Singh Rajput হোক না কেন ।
   দয়া করে এটা ভাববেন না যে আমি এদের কে compare করছি বা নিজেকে এদের সাথে তুলনা করছি ।

প্লিজ !!!

They were all artists and hence the union set .

     হয়তো এতদূর পোড়ে কিছু লোকজন মনে মনে ভাবতে শুরু করেছেন যে বেটা দুটো বই কি না লিখেছে আর 4-5 টা newspaper e কিনা ছবি আর review বেরিয়েছে , হেব্বি বোদ্ধা হয়ে গেছে , বিশাল artist ভাবছে নিজেকে ।

    না , ভাবছি না !

কিন্তু as an artist কিছু sotti কথা বলছি , how an artist honestly feels , and it might be that it's not same for all artist.
    Loneliness and depression somehow brings creativity in an artist.
    Depression is part and parcel of an artist's life .
    It might be due to a sudden loss like death of a very close one , কেউ ছেড়ে চলে গেছিলো , lot many things.
    Satyajit Ray lost his father at a very young age.
     Rabindranath Tagore had to perform the last rites of his own children.

A sudden loss and an acute loss creates depression and it might be life long.
    That also fires the creative cells .
     But this kind of depression doesn't typically and generally leads in ending one's own life.

You know when an artist get acutely depressed ?
    When he or she doesn't get good quality work , or the recognition of the work.
ঋত্বিক কুমার ঘটক is a burning example , if you read about his life you will know.

            প্রথমবার যেবার " মেঘে ঢাকা তাঁরা " দেখেছিলাম সত্যি দুটো feelings হয়েছিল ।
  অবাক হয়েছিলাম যে এরকম সিনেমা ও হয় , আর অসম্ভব রাগ হয়েছিল এটা ভেবে যে  যে মানুষটা এমন একটি অমূল্য ফিল্ম বানালো তাকে তিলে তিলে মরতে হলো ।

   An artist is forever lonely , he don't really care if someone is calling him to say "Hi, Hello" or not.
    Loneliness does helps in serious level of concentration which is very much required in any form of art.
   শব্দ রা জন্মায় , শব্দ লেখা যায়না ।
     জানিনা লোকজন বিশ্বাস করবে কি না , কিন্তু আমার অনেক লেখা আমি স্বপ্নে দেখেছি ।
Each and every words .
   Words are born not written.
      আমার মা আমাকে ছেলেবেলায় দুপুরে গল্প পড়ে শোনাতেন আর বলতেন , রাতে ঘুমোলে মাথায় সরস্বতী ঠাকুর আসেন ।
        সত্যি কি আসেন জানি না , তবে মা  বলেছে তো , তাই মন থেকে বিশ্বাস করি ।
     একজন খুব contemporary world renowned writer এক জীবন থেকে দু লাইন লিখছি।
  নাম Haruki Murakami .
আমার one of the favourite writer .
   Japan এর সব চেয়ে famous writer at present , nobel prize পেলো বলে কিছু বছরের মধ্যে ।
   Murakami use to run a jazz bar called " Peter Cat " .
   He married his childhood girlfriend but they never had kids.
   It was not that he was not capable , but he felt he cant devote time to a child from his writing.
   Such is the level of sacrifice for a writer to be lonely.
   ভোর 3 টে তে ওঠেন ঘুম থেকে । দৌড়াতে বেরোন , he is also a marathon runner .
   অত ভরে ওঠার একটাই কারণ যে তখন পৃথিবী ঘুমিয়ে থাকবে ।
   No one will be there to disturb him .
      An artist likes to be lonely .
তারপর ফিরে এসে লিখতে বসেন , বিকেলে একটু হাটতে বেরোন আর by 7 pm he goes to sleep .

Acute depression arises for an artist when he is not getting quality work or not getting his due recognition.
    That's when probably an artist start feeling really acutely broken.
    Yes, in those delicate times if a close friend lends his shoulders its always good .
     But the point I am trying to make after all these gibberish of mine is that , its that system or bunch of powerful people or the faternity or the ugly underworld which leads an artist to his death.
   যারা তাকে তার কাজের মূল্য দেয় না  বা কাজ এ দেয় না ।

সেটা ঋত্বিক কুমার ঘটক কিংবা Sushant Singh Rajput , whoever it is.
    Some die each day , তিলে তিলে মরা যাকে বলে , and some can't take the burden anymore and ends it abruptly.

Artists are all lonely .
    - সপ্তর্ষি বসু

Friday, June 12, 2020


Book Link :

After reading and researching mythology over many years , I have a very strong feeling that mythology did happen in Real .
                 Mythical epics like Ramayana & Mahabharata did happen for real , that's the strong feeling I have developed inside.
          And the reason being , the entire community structure , rules , laws, social discrimination etc which I see day in and day out prevailed that time also.
     The only difference is that in our vedic text and epics , the situations are not very straight forward , its in the disguise of some heavenly incident.
     Let me tell you a story and this one is from Mahabharata . And for the moment think that Mahabharata happened for real.
           Think as we have the caste system now lower caste upper caste the Thakurs the Dalits etc etc , it prevailed in those time also.

         3500 B.C.
  khandava Forest  or Khandavprastha ( as mentioned in Mahabharat the Epic )  .
     Now it lies west of Yamuna River , modern day Delhi.
    It was the place where Nagas lived .

       Paatal Lok , think the kind of place where poor lower caste people generally lives.
 Nagas were not snakes but a clan of people who had the emblem of a serpent probably in their flags and other seals.
         In stone ages or iron age , when Man first started worshipping it was the visible nature and natural forces.
            Wind , fire , water , rain .
               Then came dangerous animals like snakes .
    Think of lower caste people like Dalits or Gujjars to bring in the simile who worships snakes as they live in areas like forest full of such poisonous animals .
    Vasuki was their king or leader . He was succeded by Takshak .Vasuki was the benevolent servent of Lord Shiva , let's think of a powerful man , very powerful in modern India. like a powerful Tribal Leader , full of magical mysterious aura .

                Shiva is called a god who lives with dogs in crematoriums, who is feared and shunned by "brahmin" leaders like Daksha. Daksha is obsessed with purity and Shiva mocks ideas of purity. 
Somehow it feels that the very genes of casteism is embedded in our fabric from the time of Gods.
     Now , one night suddenly a chariot appears on the edge of the Khandava forest.
   Inside the chariot are 2 persons , one is Lord Vishnu or Sri Krishna , let's think of another very powerful man in modern India.
The other person is Arjun , a young , motivated follower of Sri Krishna , you can draw his simile to any follower but very motivated , enigmatic , highly skilled , and going up the ladders very fast , and all eyes are on him.
    On the instruction of Sri Krishna , Arjun burns down the whole forest , the whole Khandava forest.
Why ?
      If you read Mahabharata , its written that God Agni , the god of fire is very very hungry and he comes to Sri Krishna to allow him to devour the forest.
       The factual meaning or representation - 
  Because the Pandavas needed a new place during exile to build their palace .
    Thousands of Nagas and other clans dies.
       Who is saved ? Demon Maya and why - he builds the celestial palace Indraprastha there.
    I am sure such incidents are not very difficult to imagine in modern India , isn't it ?
     Then what happens ? Thats the at some generations  the Nagas has to take revenge , isn't it natural ?

    Like uprising full of blood by lower caste against upper caste .
   Aswasena , Takshak's son will draw blood on Arjun.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Shroud is our new Planchette

The Shroud is our new Planchette

- Saptarshi Basu

My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?
as Yeshua cried at the ninth hour before eternal darkness engulfed,
The shroud shadowed with the pain ,
 It's long gone by
Yet the darkness prevails .

The earth bears no remorse ,
As time is money ,
Earthlings have loaned their souls
in exchange of sheer delight .

the burden of a soul is too much,
For the speed to maul emotions
and whatever comes in path
the game is on and no one dares to lose.

Yet when we all watch a new shroud ,
At times the innocent son of God playing with it ,
We do planchette our souls for sometime ,
and cry to feel that we are alive again.

Saturday, May 23, 2020



 - সপ্তর্ষি বসু

আচ্ছা , তুমি বার বার কেন আসো ?
     নতুন নাম নিয়ে , নতুন বেগে ফিরে
ভাবো আমি চিনতে পারবো না , তাই না ?

     সমুদ্রের বুকে যখন তুমি উত্তাল হয়ে ওঠো ,
         টিভি তে তোমার ছবি,
    আমি ঠিক চিনতে পারি , আসছো তুমি ।

আঘাতে প্রতিঘাতে সব ভেঙে দাও ,
   এত ব্যথা তোমার বুকে আজও ?
ঈশান কোণে মেঘ জমলেই তোমার গন্ধ ভাসে ।

তুমি বেসেছিলে ভালো , জানি আমি
 জানেনা সমাজ , মনের ভেতরে যে লুকিয়ে রেখেছি ,
তাই বুঝি এত রাগ , এত রোষ ।

ঢেউ গুলো যখন আছড়ে পড়ে পাথরে ,
   বুঝি তোমার বুকের ব্যথা, তোমার বুকের ক্ষত
    টুপ টুপ বৃষ্টি তে মিশে যায় আমার চোখের জল , তুমি জানতেও পারো না , কেউ দেখতেও পায়না ।

 শত শত পথ পেরিয়ে আবার আসছো তুমি ,
     জানি আমি
   মেঘেরা যে তোমার চিঠি আগেই এনে দিয়েছে আমায়
সাবধানে এসো , কারুর ক্ষতি না যেন হয়
রইলাম বসে তোমার ঠোঁটে আমার ঠোট ছোয়ানোর অপেক্ষায় ।

Sunday, May 17, 2020


#PaatalLok #AmazonPrime #JaideepAhlawat #PrimeSeries #PaatalLokReview

Paatal Lok is our ' very ' Country which we hide in our heart's Paatal Lok

( my review on PAATAL LOK Paatal Lok )

- Saptarshi Basu

News & Breaking News has become all the more irritating.
The way these TV Reporters uses the term ' Immigrant Labourer ' or পরিযায়ী শ্রমিক in bengali , it feels as if they are not ' us ' , they are some other species.

    All political parties are back to what they do best - Politics .

   Last friday after seeing many recommend ' Paatal Lok ' in social media , I watched the whole season 1 in one-go .
    It was already morning when the last episode finished.

        And I felt that its quite aligned to the concept of India.

      Its like we already knew about the migrant labourers yet never talked about .
    What made me feel was that ' Paatal Lok ' shows us what we already know but are afraid to talk or even think about .
May be that's why we could feel aligned and have liked it.
     Hathi Ram Chaudhary , a pot-bellied policeman excellently depicted by Jaideep Ahlawat is the symbolic son for all failed fathers.
Every lower and middle class fathers looks into their transition to a better life and their failures through their son.
            This is India , isn't it ?
  The endless friction between father and son which keeps on happening generations after generations is beautifully potrayed.
     I am sure many might see a Hathi Ram in himself , and you don't need to be in Police  ,  there is a Hathi Ram in every Corporate Indian who had given up to his boot licking peers and hopelessly watches as they moves up the ladder.
    The prime target is Sanjeev Mehra (Neeraj Kabi), a reputed news anchor at a Delhi channel.Somewhat our very own Arnab Goswami , extremely vile yet extremely important. Neeraj Kabi is too good and gets into the very blood of the role .

    Again , this is India , isn't it ?
     We all know how vile Arnab is , yet we keep on watching him day after day .And we could hardly understand that one day he became one of the most powerful ' thing ' .

      Four suspects are apprehended for a conspiracy to murder.
    And let me tell you , those four are the one we have met or read or seen , yet we hide them as we hide our deepest secrets.
     The Government knows , the politician knows , state knows , Centre knows - all knows .
    That little urchin you have met innumerous times when your train had landed at your station , India clearly knows he or she doesn't have a family , India knows he or she is abused each and every day , yet India hides as we hide our acne .
    This is India , isn't it ?
Assisting Hathi Ram is a rookie cop and officer-in-training Imran Ansari (Ishwak Singh).
We do have such a friend , don't we ? We do have such a subordinate or collegue with whom we go for tea , don't we ?
Yet whenever there is a terrorist attack , India's heart cringes and in the deepest Paatal Lok of our hearts of heart , we start suspecting his very loyalty for the country   .
   This is India , Isn't it.

Now coming to Mythology , which being a Mythology writer I must touch upon.
The concept of a loka or lokas was developed in the Vedic literature.
    There are total 14 Lokas of which Patala or Paatal or Pathalam is one.
Its the underworld , but it's more beautiful than Swarga Loka.
   The Nagas lived in Patala.
     Do you remember any famous Naga ? Vasuki ? SheshNag ?
   Let me tell you a small story .I know it's off the topic , but its contextual.

3500 B.C.
  khandava Forest  or Khandavprastha ( as mentioned in Mahabharat the Epic )  .
     Now it lies west of Yamuna River , modern day Delhi.
    It was the place where Nagas lived . Nagas were not snakes but a clan of people who had the emblem of a serpent probably in their flags and other seals.
    Think of lower caste people like Dalits or Gujjars to bring in the simile.
    Vasuki was their king or leader . He was succeded by Takshak .Vasuki was the benevolent servent of Lord Shiva , let's think of a powerful man , very powerful in modern India. like a powerful Tribal Leader , full of magical mysterious aura .

Shiva is called a god who lives with dogs in crematoriums, who is feared and shunned by "brahmin" leaders like Daksha. Daksha is obsessed with purity and Shiva mocks ideas of purity. 
Somehow it feels that the very genes of casteism is embedded in our fabric from the time of Gods.
     Now , one night suddenly a chariot appears on the edge of the Khandava forest.
   Inside the chariot are 2 persons , one is Lord Vishnu or Sri Krishna , let's think of another very powerful man in modern India.
The other person is Arjun , a young , motivated follower of Sri Krishna , you can draw his simile to any follower but very motivated , enigmatic , highly skilled , and going up the ladders very fast , and all eyes are on him.
    On the instruction of Sri Krishna , Arjun burns down the whole forest , the whole Khandava forest.
Why ?
  Because the Pandavas needed a new place during exile to build their palace .
    Thousands of Nagas and other clans dies.
    I am sure such incidents are not very difficult to imagine in modern India , isn't it ?
   This is India , isn't it ?
     Then what happens ? Thats the at some generations  the Nagas has to take revenge , isn't it natural ?
    Like uprising full of blood by lower caste against upper caste .
   Aswasena , Takshak's son will draw blood on Arjun.
   If you want to know more , read indian mythology .
If not , watch Paatal Lok.

Friday, May 8, 2020

কালো রক্ত
- সপ্তর্ষি বসু

কিছু পোড়া রুটি পরে আছে রেললাইন এর ট্র্যাকে,
হঠাৎ চোখে পড়লো রবি দিবসের ফাঁকে ।
গানে, কবিতায়, নৃত্যের তালে আকাশ হয়েছে লাল ,
কি বা হবে চলে গেলে 16 খানা প্রাণ ।

দিনমজুরের রক্তের রং চিরকালই কালো ,
আজ শুভ দিনে তাদের কথা নাইবা হলো ।

করুনাময় মনেরা সব লিখলো বটে RIP ,
কেউ বা রেগে বলে বেগে ওটা কি শোবার জায়গা ঠিক ?
মোদি-নেহরু , নেহরু-মোদি হানাহানি কিছু জন ,
ছেলের কাটা লাশের ওপর মায়ের চোখের জল ।

হেটে হেটে ক্লান্ত শ্রমিক শ্রান্ত দেহ মন ,
অবাক চোখে তাকিয়ে দেখে অট্টালিকার দল ।
মনে ভাবে ওদের তো বানালাম আমরাই ,
আজ ওরা আছে কেবল আমাদের ই নেইকো কোনো ঠাঁই।

বুড়ো মাকে দেখতে তার বড়ই ইচ্ছে করে ,
ভাবে মায়ের কোলে মাথা রেখে ঘুমাবো টা কবে ।
উপরওয়ালা হয়তো বোধহয় শুনতে পায় সে কথা ,
একটা খালি মালগাড়ি তাই নিয়ে গেল সব ব্যথা,
একটা খালি মালগাড়ি তাই নিয়ে গেল সব ব্যথা ।

Friday, May 1, 2020

Virus,Lies and a Genomic Bomb - Truth or Fiction You Decide- Series 9

#remdesevir which is MANUFACTURED by #GILEAD now becoming a global sensation to fight #COVID19 .
The important question is to ask #WHO are the main investors in #Gilead ?

Read on -

In 2011, Gilead was the first innovator pharmaceutical company to join the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) to expand access to its medicines through the sharing of drug patents. 

The MPP was established by UNITAID, a Geneva-based global health organization that works to make high-quality, life-saving treatments and diagnostics more affordable in low-income countries.
Unitaid’s main donors are France, the United Kingdom, Norway, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Brazil, Spain, the Republic of Korea, and Chile.

Read on
Dr. Anthony Fauci says remdesivir coronavirus trial results show that the mortality rate trended "towards being better" with patients who took the drug, though the WHO says it's too early to comment .

Now , there was an investment of close to $ 3.7 Million of US Tax payer's money in the WUHAN LAB.

Was it Dr.Fauci ?

Now Comprehend -

Best first read the rest of the series 1st -


These are very tough times.

The COVID19 Pandemic has created lot of economical hazards all over the world.

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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Virus,Lies and a Genomic Bomb - Series 8

Today we look into possible solution of saving Lives of COVID19 PATIENTS

convalescent Plasma history -

Looking into history gives some idea on different tactics taken during a Pandemic and into genetic sciences.

But first - What is convalescent Plasma therapy ?

People who've recovered from COVID-19 have antibodies to the disease in their blood. Doctors call this convalescent plasma. Researchers hope that convalescent plasma can be given to people with severe COVID-19 to boost their ability to fight the virus.

Now let's peak into history -

Emil von Behring  , born Emil Adolf Behring, was a German physiologist . His distinction -

the very first Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine was awarded in 1901 to him for his life-saving work developing a cure for diphtheria, a bacterial infection that was particularly fatal in children.

So how did Emil von Behring did it ?

He had taken antibodies from animals read Horses who had recovered from the disease and injected it to sick patients.

In 1934, a doctor at a private boy’s school in Pennsylvania tried a unique method to stave off a potentially deadly measles outbreak. Dr. J. Roswell Gallagher extracted blood serum from a student who had recently recovered from a serious measles infection and began injecting the plasma into 62 other boys who were at high risk of catching the disease.

Only three students ended up contracting measles and all were mild cases.

Von Behring’s antitoxin wasn’t a vaccine, but the earliest example of a treatment method called “convalescent plasma” that’s being resurrected as a potential treatment for COVID-19. Convalescent plasma is blood plasma extracted from an animal or human patient who has “convalesced” or recovered from infection with a particular disease.

Active Immunity & Passive Immunity :

When a person is treated with a vaccine, their immune system actively produces its own antibodies that will kill off any future encounters with the target pathogen. That’s called active immunity.

Convalescent plasma offers what’s called “passive immunity.” The body doesn’t create its own antibodies, but instead “borrows” them from another person or animal who has successfully fought off the disease. Unlike a vaccine, the protection doesn’t last a lifetime, but the borrowed antibodies can greatly reduce recovery times and even be the difference-maker between life and death.

Previous Pandemics :

During the pandemic influenza outbreak of 1918 known as the “Spanish flu,” fatality rates were cut in half for patients who were treated with blood plasma compared to those who weren’t. The method seemed particularly effective when patients received the antibodies in the early days of their infection, before their own immune systems had a chance to overreact and damage vital organs.

Another virus Hantavirus :

By the 1940s and 1950s, antibiotics and vaccines began to replace the use of convalescent plasma for treating many infectious disease outbreaks, but the old-fashioned method came in handy yet again during the Korean War when thousands of United Nations troops were stricken with something called Korean hemorrhagic fever, also known as Hantavirus. With no other treatment available, field doctors transfused convalescent plasma to sickened patients and saved untold numbers of lives.


These are very tough times.

The COVID19 Pandemic has created lot of economical hazards all over the world.

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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Virus,Lies and a Genomic Bomb - Fact or Fiction You Decide - Series 7

What actually happens when COVID19 attacks ?
Is it something to do with genes ?

Blood Clots , that how it starts.

   Another study, from the Netherlands, found that more than 20 percent of 184 ICU patients with COVID-19-related pneumonia had blood clotting. And a study from Wuhan, China of 81 COVID-19 patients showed blood clotting in 25 percent.

As doctors learn more about what makes COVID-19 so severe for some patients, they have discovered a mysterious and potentially lethal complication of the disease: blood clots.

It’s one of several unexpected complications from the virus, which was initially thought to just cause respiratory problems, though highly severe ones. Doctors are also seeing issues with heart inflammation, kidney disease and liver problems in their patients, and believe it may be due to changes in the blood.

The medicine remdesivir might not work as it will effect Kidneys.

Now how related to genes ? Depending on the blood group and few other factors the blood clotting varies.

Blood clotting was also a major issue for Nick Cordero, the 41-year-old Broadway star with COVID-19 who is currently in a coma. He was put on blood thinners after doctors noticed clotting in his right leg, but the medication led to issues with his blood pressure and internal bleeding in his intestines, his wife, Amanda Kloots, shared on Instagram. Without the blood thinners, though, the blood clots returned, and doctors had to amputate Cordero’s right leg on April 18.

The blood clotting is leading to a significant amount of COVID-19 deaths, but doctors and researchers are unsure as to why it is happening.

“It’s out of the norm, and we’re wondering, are blot clots one of the reasons why these patients are dying?” Dr. Todd Rice, an associate professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, told CNN.

So , coming back to what I was pointing that it might vary on Genes ---
People with blood types A and B may have higher risks for developing dangerous blood clots compared to people who have type O blood. That's according to new research that also showed a slightly higher risk for certain types of heart disease among the A and B groups.

Now , I will cite a RESEARCH done in WUHAN -
Here, we compared the ABO blood group distribution in 2,173 patients with COVID-19 confirmed by SARS-CoV-2 test from three hospitals in Wuhan and Shenzhen, China with that in normal people from the corresponding regions. The results showed that blood group A was associated with a higher risk for acquiring COVID-19 compared with non-A blood groups, whereas blood group O was associated with a lower risk for the infection compared with non-O blood groups. 


These are very tough times.

The COVID19 Pandemic has created lot of economical hazards all over the world.

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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Virus,Lies and a Genomic Bomb - Fact or Fiction You Decide Series 6

Deep State Cabal & Genes


To Gene , or not to Gene , that is the question -

      -  Saptarshi Basu

I had been reading voraciously these days.

          History , mythology , science which slowly converge into biological genomic sciences.
About genes , genomes, blood , eugenics and what not.
   To those who might be thinking that such readings are elimentary , yes , I had been too weak in biology.
I remember I never could score above 50 in the subject named Biology .And our beloved biology teacher rightfully suggested that I should discontinue after my 10th. She was extremely right , and in my high school (+2) I had chosen statistics.
    This weeks of lockdown had somehow provided me that opportunity to know , these elimentary things.

   Why genes ? You might wonder.

     This corona virus , COVID19, SARS-CoV2 , and behind such other modern naming of a dreadful virus ,  hiddenly lurks one unsolved mystery - why is it that one person recovers and the other dies taking into account the same parameters , age, health, existing diseases .

     Example - Prince Charles ,  a 71 year old with pre-existing diseases recovers yet quite many of his age succumbs .

    Somewhere with the limited knowledge I possess and sub-minimal brainal ability I have , still my take is that it has to do with the Genes.

   And as I read more and more about the history of genetic sciences , 2 things flashes in from of my eye .

   1) Greatest discoveries has come not through prolonged education and higher education into a subject , but via IMAGINATION along with TENACITY .

2) There has been a DEEP STATE CABAL from  early history of mankind if not very early.

For my point 1 , I put forth an Austrian monk who failed not once but twice in the basic elimentary exam of teacher selection.
He wanted to teach maths , natural sciences and elimentary greek at Znaim High School , Brno.
   This Man , my dear friend , was Gregor Johann Mendel who you might know as " Father of Genetics ".

In my point 2 I had used a modern term - DEEP STATE CABAL. There can be an elongated answer as to the meaning of the term , but rather than testing all your's patience I would crisply explain what it means - A shadow powerful group of people who takes the shot.
   And to make the bell ring in your head , think Da Vinci Code , think FreeMason .

The Illuminati .

For my 2nd point , I would like to bring forth a serb whose father was an orthodox priest and who was a university drop out.
   He invented quite few things but somehow the deep state cabal then there in US restricted his progress.
Result , he died a broke .

   My dear friends , any guesses ?

His name was Nikolas Tesla.

The food for thought with which I am leaving you in Series 6 is  - Is the solution /Vaccine/Life saving drug for #coronavirus #COVID19 has something to do with genes ?

These are very tough times.

The COVID19 Pandemic has created lot of economical hazards all over the world.

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